Microsoft Developer Network
I am in a Highschool club where we create windows store apps. I am in charge of the code that …
c# msdn live-connect-sdk onedriveI have a Page page in a Frame frame, with frame.DataContext = "foo". (page.Parent as Frame).DataContext is "foo". …
c# wpf binding datacontext msdnI'm trying to submit an app to the windows phone 7 marketplace and have never encountered this error when validating my .…
windows-phone-7 msdn marketplaceI want to search a file which may be present in any drives such as C:\, D:\ etc. Using GetLogicalDriveStrings …
c++ char msdn const-charHow can i get the intellisense in visual studio 2012 for angularjs in Html. I search these through many websites but …
c# visual-studio angularjs visual-studio-2012 msdnI get this every time I open Visual Studio 2013/2015 (premium): TF400813: Resource not available for anonymous access. Client authentication required. …
visual-studio-2013 visual-studio-2015 msdnI'm having some trouble with ReadProcessMemory My code is 64 bit I can read the memory of any 32 bit process , but …
c++ windows msdn readprocessmemoryLet's imaging there are 2 pages on the web site: quick and slow. Requests to slow page are executed for a 1 … parallel-processing msdn