Top "Msdn" questions

Microsoft Developer Network

Why is the console window closing immediately once displayed my output?

I'm studying C# by following the guides in MSDN. Now, I just tried the Example 1 (here is the link to …

c# .net console-application msdn
Difference between 'on error goto 0' and 'on error goto -1' -- VBA

Can anyone find the difference between 'On error goto -1' and 'on error goto 0' in VBA? I've tried …

excel vba msdn
MSDN subscriptions on the cheap?

As a long time Microsoft developer, I find MSDN to be an invaluable resource. However, when tinkering at home I …

Where to download vcredist?

I feel a little stupid asking this question, but I hope that this might be helpful to others as well. …

msdn vcredist technet
Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate for x64?

I have an x64 machine and an MSDN subscription. I want to download VS2010 Ultimate. However, I'm not seeing an …

visual-studio-2010 64-bit msdn
cl.exe not finding any standard include file

I found this sample code on the msdn library #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "This …

c++ msdn fatal-error
Where can I download Visual Foxpro? MSDN?

We have a legacy application written in Visual FoxPro I just inherited. We are unable to figure out where to …

msdn visual-foxpro foxpro
SetupDiGetDeviceProperty usage example

Can anybody provide me with an example of using SetupDiGetDeviceProperty ?

c++ windows winapi msdn
Is read-only auto-implemented property possible?

I found a topic on MSDN that talks that yes, this is possible. I did a test that seems to …

c# .net properties msdn readonly
Performance Counter Category Names? (C#)

I'm trying to program in a performance counter into my C# application that launches another process and checks the processor …

c# process msdn performancecounter