Top "Marketplace" questions

Microsoft's online store that allows users of windows-based smartphones to purchase, download and install mobile applications.

Android App submission Approval Time

How long does it typically take to submit an application and get approval on the Android Marketplace?

android marketplace
intellij : "search results are not loaded check the internet connection"

Using Intelliji for Java, I'm trying to get cucumber plugin, so i go to the file dropdown menu and go …

intellij-idea marketplace
Android Marketplace Error: "The server could not process your apk. Try again."

I have an updated apk - tested successfully on various devices and simulator instances - with the following manifest: <?…

android marketplace
The [NeutralResourceLanguage] attribute is missing on the entry assembly

I'm trying to submit an app to the windows phone 7 marketplace and have never encountered this error when validating my .…

windows-phone-7 msdn marketplace
Developing a magento module for marketplace / multi vendor

I need a module that serves as a marketplace / multi vendor system for Magento. I searched on the web to …

magento marketplace
Marketplace windows phone beta test Error code: 805a0194

After adding the application in the Marketplace for beta testing, when I try to open a link in the application …

c# windows-phone-8.1 marketplace
Windows phone: how get current application id

Is there any way to get ID of my application in app store without hardcode? I need to use this …

c# windows-phone-7 marketplace