Top "Move" questions

Usually refers to move semantics; consider using that tag instead.

Rename/Move VirtualBox Virtual Disk

I renamed a directory that my virtual disk was in and now I can't start the Ubuntu VM, and can't …

ubuntu rename virtualbox move hard-drive
What makes moving objects faster than copying?

I have heard Scott Meyers say "std::move() doesn't move anything" ... but I haven't understood what it means. So to …

c++ move rvalue
Have you ever got this message when moving a file? mv: will not overwrite just-created

I have a bourne shell script which performs several tasks. One of these tasks is to move some files to …

shell move redhat overwrite
Bash: How can I move all the content in the folder up to one level?

How can I move the whole folder of _vim into ~/.vim? $ mv ~/.vim/_vim/ ~/.vim mv: `/home/kithokit/.vim/_vim/…

bash move
Returning std::vector with std::move

I have a very basic question: is it a good idea to return a std::vector<A> using …

c++ return move
Move constructor involving const unique_ptr

In the code below, I made p const because it will never point to any other int during Foo's lifetime. …

c++ constants move unique-ptr move-constructor
php - Differences between copy, rename and move_uploaded_file

Are there differences when I use that functions? Why should I use one instead of the other one...

php file-upload upload move file-rename
Android ACTION_MOVE Threshold

I'm writing an app that involves writing on the screen using one's finger, or eventually a stylus. I have that …

android touch move ontouchlistener threshold
ANT task to move and rename, files and folders, recursively

I have have a folder structure like so: /PROJECT/PROJECT.html /PROJECT/PROJECT_readme.txt /PROJECT/PROJECT.css /PROJECT/PROJECT.…

java ant move fileset
Auto creating folders when using System.IO.File.Move

I'm updating an old winforms app which moves files to new locations using regex and System.IO.File.Move Under …

c# wpf winforms move .net