Top "Mouse" questions

A mouse is a pointing device that functions by detecting two-dimensional motion relative to its supporting surface.

Wiggling the mouse

OK. This is a bit of a vanity app, but I had a situation today at work where I was …

c# winapi mouse
How to simulate mouse clicks in QML?

I'm trying to send a QMouseEvent to the QML objects being currently displayed. The QApplication::sendEvent() always returns false meaning …

qt events onclick mouse qml
glutPassiveMotionFunc and glutWarpMousePointer

I want to implement my own cursor in an OpenGL / GLUT window. The usual way to do this is to …

macos opengl mouse glut
Is a mouse click a WM_* message or a combination of up & down messages?

I'm used to working with a Windows framework that provides events for things like a mouse click or a mouse …

windows mouse windows-messages
Java : ignore single click on double click?

can anyone think of a good way to ignore the single click that comes with a double-click in Java ? I'm …

java events click mouse double-click
How can I change the position of the mouse cursor in OpenGL/Glut?

I'm writing a simple game and I'm going to have the mouse control the camera (using GlutPassiveMotionFunc). I'm going to …

opengl mouse glut
MouseBinding the mousewheel to zoom in WPF and MVVM

OK, I've figured out how to get my Grid of UI elements to zoom, by using LayoutTransform and ScaleTransform. What …

wpf data-binding mvvm mouse cinch
JFreeChart : obtain data source value on mouse click

I have a JFreeChart instance that displays process memory status, initialized as follows: m_data = new TimeSeriesCollection(); TimeSeries vmsize = new …

java mouse jfreechart
linux: dual mice - multiple mice with multiple mouse pointers?

is it possible to use more then one mouse in Linux so that there's two pointers controlled by two mice? …

linux input mouse
Simulating a mouse button click in Windows

I'm writing Remote Desktop clone in C++ using QT. So far I'm able to move the mouse cursor around fine. …

qt button mouse click simulate