Moq is a strongly typed and minimalistic mocking framework for .NET.
I spent an evening trying to mock an object that implements IQueryable: public interface IRepo<T> : IQueryable<…
c# unit-testing mocking moqI have 3 project in my C# solution. Signatures Structures Tests Signatures has public and internal interfaces. Also it has [assembly: …
c# unit-testing nunit moq internalsI couldn't find a way to do this, though this can be done by hand so why not with moq?
unit-testing tdd mocking moqSo assume I am mocking the following class: public class ClassAParams { public int RequestedId { get; set; } public string SomeValue { get; …
c# unit-testing parameters moqI'm currently confuse on how to mock. I'm using Moq. To mock objects I usually write this way var mockIRepo = …
c# unit-testing testing mocking moqHow do I creat a pure stub using Moq? With Rhino Mocks I did it like this: [TestFixture] public class …
c# nunit moq rhino-mocksShort version of my questions: Can anyone point me toward some good, detailed sources from which I can learn how …
unit-testing nunit moq ninject-2I have a method to get header value using IHttpContextAccessor public class HeaderConfiguration : IHeaderConfiguration { public HeaderConfiguration() { } public string GetTenantId(IHttpContextAccessor …
c# unit-testing moq Duplicate: How to mock a method that returns an int with MOQ Here's my interface: public interface ICalenderService { DateTime …
c# .net unit-testing moq stub