Top "Mono" questions

Mono is an open source implementation of .NET that runs on many platforms, including Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.

MonoDevelop ARMv6 on Raspberry Pi

Will MonoDevelop compile to the ARMv6, mainly so I can get it running on my Raspberry Pi? I've noted that …

mono monodevelop raspberry-pi
How to install recent mono and monodevelop?

I tried to install mono and monodevelop on centOS 6.3. After many hours I was able to install mono but failed …

mono monodevelop
MVC 5 on Mono: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Entity' or one of its dependencies

Goal: Startup a ASP.NET MVC 5 project on Mono via Xamarain Studio. Error after starting server: Could not load file …

c# mono xamarin
What is the best way to run ServiceStack on Linux / Mono?

Listed on the ServiceStack website it shows that ServiceStack can run on Mono with either: XSP mod_mono FastCgi Console …

c# linux mono servicestack mod-fastcgi
.NET Reflector for Mono

Is there an equivalent of .NET Reflector for Mono? Quick googling did not find anything... Or can I run Reflector …

mono reflector
Linq To Sql with PostgreSQL

Is it possible to use LinqToSql with PostgreSQL (preferably with Mono)? Can you recommend any articles where it described step-by-step?

.net linq linq-to-sql postgresql mono
Mono Project: Why is mono faster than .NET?

I am surprised to observe that mono is faster than .NET. Does anyone know why is it so? I was …

c# .net mono
How to get F# working with Mono?

I can't seem to find a compiler/plugin for mono. Does one exist?

ubuntu f# functional-programming mono ubuntu-9.04
What's the point of Mono on Windows

This may be a dumb question...but I was just looking into the Mono project and they have a section …

windows mono
Is MonoGame reliable?

I'm looking for a cross-platform game development framework. MonoGame looks easy to learn and fast to develop, but I see …

mono xna xamarin.ios monogame