Is MonoGame reliable?

xus picture xus · Feb 14, 2012 · Viewed 21.3k times · Source

I'm looking for a cross-platform game development framework. MonoGame looks easy to learn and fast to develop, but I see most of the games featured at their page do not work, or have a lot of bugs.

Can anyone explain if MonoGame is reliable for ios/droid professional mobile game development?


Dominique picture Dominique · Feb 15, 2012

MonoGame currently has ( that we know of ) 28 games published on the iOS App Store, and 5 on the Android Market place and also some recently published games on the Mac App Store and Linux markets. If any of these titles are failing, please get in contact with the developers to confirm if the issue is MonoGame related or a bug within their game.

MonoGame is not perfect, but as already mentioned it is being actively developed and improved with everyone's help. 2 Sundays ago we did a presentation at the FOSDEM conference which outlined what we will be working on in the coming year. First off is ES 2.0 support in the MonoGame 2.5 release ( hopefully out in the next 2-3 weeks ). This will add shader support to all of our platforms. Then after that we will be focused on adding 3D and therefore our biggest release MonoGame 3.0.

You can see a video of our FOSDEM presentation here - And a teaser video of how far we are along with 3D support here - - It is hhe MIX10 3D Reach demo running on MacOS X that we showed publically for the first time at FOSDEM 2012.

If you use twitter, follow our progress @MonoGameTeam. We tend to talk shop on or on the #MonoGame channel. We also try to answer questions in the discussion area.

I hope the above information helps.
