MongoDB is a scalable, high-performance, open source, document-oriented database.
Just a quick question about something I've just experienced and I'm still thinking about why: mongos>{ "…
mongodb mongodb-query mongodb-java morphiaIs there a simple way to convert Simple POJO to org.bson.Document? I'm aware that there are ways to …
java mongodb-javaI want to delete all documents in a collection in java. Here is my code: MongoClient client = new MongoClient("" , 27017); MongoDatabase …
java mongodb mongodb-javaI'm really new in Java and also MongoDB world. I would like to use MongoDB and Java. I have downloaded …
java mongodb jar mongodb-javaI'm switching to the MongoDB Java driver version 3. I cannot figure out how to perform an update of a Document. …
mongodb-javaI am using a MongoDB in Version 3 and I created a database named 'logMonitor' and created a user like: { "_id" : "…
java mongodb mongodb-javaI'm saving an object with a java.util.Date field into a MongoDB 3.2 instance. ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); String json = …
java json mongodb mongodb-javaI am using MongoDB 3.0. suppose there is a set of documents named photos, its structure is {"_id" : 1, photographer: "jack"} with …
mongodb mongodb-javaI am trying to get the value of a key from a sub-document and I can't seem to figure out …
java mongodb mongodb-javaI want to use Spring security with MongoDB (using Spring data) and retrieve the users from my own database for …
java spring mongodb spring-security mongodb-java