MongoDB is a scalable, high-performance, open source, document-oriented database.
How can I sort a MongoDB collection by a given field, case-insensitively? By default, I get A-Z before a-z.
java mongodb sorting mongodb-javaI've a Java application that performs some aggregations on MongoDB, but sometimes it just hangs and throw a SocketTimeout exception. …
java mongodb mongodb-java socketexceptionI am newbie to mongodb. May I know how to avoid duplicate entries. In relational tables, we use primary key …
java mongodb mongodb-javaI'm new to Spring Data with MongoDB and would like to have an automagically generated query method inside my MongoRepository …
spring-data mongodb-javaFrom my Java application, I have stored the values in mongoDB in ArrayList(set of Java objects). How can I …
java mongodb mongodb-java dbobjectPurpose is to connect MongoDB remote server through JAVA: URL = "jdbc:mongo://" + serverIP + ":" + port+ "/" +databaseName; Class.forName("mongodb.jdbc.MongoDriver"); …
java mongodb jdbc mongodb-java mongo-java-driverI am newbie to mongodb. I need to insert a doc without the _id field generating automatically. I need to …
mongodb mongodb-java mongodb-queryWhat is the difference between createIndex() and ensureIndex() in Java using MongoDB? I googled this but didn't get a satisfactory …
java mongodb mongodb-javaI have a mongodb collection term with following structure { "_id" : "00002c34-a4ca-42ee-b242-e9bab8e3a01f", "terminologyClass" : "…
mongodb spring-data-mongodb mongodb-java mongodb-indexesRecently I am using mongodb java async driver which is newly released. I am writing some simple test codes, which …
mongodb mongodb-java