Just a quick question about something I've just experienced and I'm still thinking about why:
mongos> db.tickets.count({ "idReferenceList" : { "$in" : [ { "$oid" : "53f1f09f2cdcc8f339e5efa2"} , { "$oid" : "5409ae2e2cdc31c5aa0ce0a5"}]}});
mongos> db.tickets.count({ "idReferenceList" : { "$in" : [ ObjectId("53f1f09f2cdcc8f339e5efa2") , ObjectId("5409ae2e2cdc31c5aa0ce0a5")]}});
I thought that both $oid and ObjectId spelling formats where exactly the same for MongoDB. Does anyone know why with the first query return 0 results and with the second one is returning 2 (the right answer)?
Furthermore, I'm using Morphia framework which uses MongoDB Java driver to interact with MongoDB. I've realised that there exists a problem by searching with $in operator in ObjectIds arrays over fields that are not _id by executing this lines of code:
List< ObjectId > fParams = new ArrayList< ObjectId >();
Query<Ticket> query = genericDAO.createQuery();
result = genericDAO.find(query).asList();
Thank you very much in advance.
Both these formats are valid representations of an object id in MongoDB, according to the documentation,
and they represented differently in the two modes,
Strict Mode mongo Shell Mode
----------- ----------------
{ "$oid": "<id>" } ObjectId( "<id>" )
So, to query fields which contain objectid, from the shell/console mode, you need to use ObjectId("<id>")
Which is the syntax to be followed in the mongo shell mode.
Hence the query:
db.tickets.count({ "idReferenceList" : { "$in" : [ ObjectId("53f1f09f2cdcc8f339e5efa2") , ObjectId("5409ae2e2cdc31c5aa0ce0a5")]}});
would return you row count.
Now to do it via the Java API,
You need to do it as below:
String[] ids = {"53f1f09f2cdcc8f339e5efa2","5409ae2e2cdc31c5aa0ce0a5"};
ObjectId[] objarray = new ObjectId[ids.length];
for(int i=0;i<ids.length;i++)
objarray[i] = new ObjectId(ids[i]);
BasicDBObject inQuery = new BasicDBObject("$in", objarray);
BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("idReferenceList", inQuery);
DBCursor cursor = db.collection.find(query);
DBObject doc = cursor.next();
// process the doc.