Part of the MVC pattern, the Model manages the behaviour and data of the application.
I created a model for comments at the start of a project, but have now come to the realisation I …
ruby-on-rails models polymorphic-associations rails-migrations destroyMany experienced developers recommend against using Django multi-table inheritance because of its poor performance: Django gotcha: concrete inheritance by Jacob …
django inheritance models multi-table-inheritance concrete-inheritanceIn my Post.rb model, I have default_scope :conditions => {:deleted => 'false'} But if I try to run …
ruby-on-rails models default-scopeI am wondering how I could use data from a Model B while I am validating Model A, here to …
php cakephp cakephp-1.3 modelsI'm trying to load in around 30k xml files from into a mySQL database, and the way I …
django many-to-many models fixturesHi I am using Flask Peewee and trying to update merchant_details model but it is not working. Following is …
python flask models flask-wtforms peeweeI am trying to understand the relationship between a model and a view. I've tried building a model and view …
backbone.js models backbone-viewsI have comments and articles, both are votable. So, basically I've three entities, Article, Comment and Vote. After some reading …
php models doctrine-orm single-table-inheritanceNot sure the best way of phrasing this so bear with me. Within Codeigniter I can return a record set …
php codeigniter codeigniter-2 models stdclass