URL rewriting module for the Apache web server.
I have an Apache server running on my machine (port 80) I have a Zope server running on my machine (port 8080) …
apache mod-rewrite plone zope mod-proxyI apologise for a seemingly duplicate question, but none of the dozens I've looked at actually had the same problem. …
regex apache .htaccess mod-rewrite subdirectoryI am trying to protect the ~/public_html/dev directory using http auth basic, but to make that secure I …
apache .htaccess mod-rewrite url-rewriting http-authenticationFirstly, I would like to remove the www. from my domain name http://www.example.com => http://example.com …
.htaccess mod-rewrite ssl https no-wwwIn my /var/www I have a number of sites (goodsite, badsite, uglysite). Right now they are accessed by mydomain.…
apache .htaccess mod-rewrite subdomain virtualhostI have a Zend Framework application that I want to force into HTTPS using mod_rewrite. I am pretty lost …
mod-rewrite redirect ssl httpsI have a rewrite rule in .htaccess RewriteRule (.+?\.fid)/ /$1 [L] with a request URI like: /123.fid/myfile.webm How can …
apache .htaccess mod-rewrite mime-types webmThe issue im getting is too many redirects. I have a WAMP server that hosts a few sites, but I …
apache .htaccess mod-rewrite multiple-domainsI want to access my symfony app in production env (http://www.sample.com/amateur1/web/app.php) from this …
.htaccess mod-rewrite symfony shared-hostingGreetings, I have just moved a website from IIS to Apache and am having a little trouble redirecting the index …
apache mod-rewrite http-status-code-301