URL rewriting module for the Apache web server.
I am newbie to Joomla and WAMP environiment. I am using WAMP environment: Win Srv 2003 R2 (Std Ed) with SP2 …
apache mod-rewrite joomla1.5 wamp joomla-sef-urlsI'm looking for a way to remove trailing slash for all WordPress URL's. I found similar answers like this one …
wordpress .htaccess mod-rewrite trailing-slashGiven these conditions (I know what they mean/do): RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR] RewriteCond %{…
mod-rewriteI want to make Zend Framework 2 application to run within Nginx server. I could access the homepage, but I could …
.htaccess mod-rewrite nginx zend-framework2I want to redirect all http urls to https in magento, but for front-endonly. In magento we have a setting …
php .htaccess magento mod-rewrite magento-1.9.1I have a single Tomcat instance containing a number of webapps, each accessible via it's /Context. Tomcat is behind httpd (…
apache tomcat mod-rewrite mod-jk virtual-hostsI'm trying to first use an Alias folder to store my project files in a different location than my DocumentRoot, …
apache mod-rewrite mod-aliasI run XAMPP and I'm trying to learn how .htaccess works. I have a file structure that looks something like …
regex apache .htaccess mod-rewrite apache-configSo I've looked over the other similar questions and they offer solutions but none of them seem to work for …
apache mod-rewrite amazon-web-services amazon-elbI am building a website where from the homepage i will open some other URI on the website into a …
ajax facebook mod-rewrite pushstate hashbang