Top "Mlab" questions

MongoLab (Rebranded as mLab) is a fully-managed MongoDB Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) platform that automates the operational aspects of running MongoDB in the cloud.

How to use mongo URI in mongoLab and Heroku server

I am using MongoDb and Nodejs. Nodejs is hosted on Heroku server and Mongodb is in MongoLab through Heroku add-on. …

node.js mongodb heroku uri mlab
How to subtract two date time in mongodb

I have used aggregate function. db.checkins.aggregate([ {$match: {checkinType: "Beacon", "associationIds.organizationId":"af39bc69-1938-4149", "checkinData.time": {"$gte": …

node.js mongodb aggregate mlab
MongoLab/PyMongo connection error

If I run in the shell: mongo -u user -p pass It works and …

python mongodb flask pymongo mlab
How to get node.js to connect to mongolab using mongoose

I've been trying to use mongoose (module for node.js and mongodb). And tried to get a connection with mongolab …

node.js mongodb mongoose mlab database
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when using MongoDB driver

I am trying to connect to a MongoDB database hosted on mlab using the Java driver on a servlet. import …

java eclipse mongodb noclassdeffounderror mlab
"Invalid ns" when connecting to mongodb server

Im trying to connect to a MongoLabs mongodb server I setup for a small project Im working on. I can …

php codeigniter mongodb mlab mediatemple
How to return/edit REST resource with AngularJS & Restangular

Using Restangular for AngularJS, keep getting an object object from Mongolab. I'm sure it has to do with Promise but …

angularjs mlab restangular
Mongodb find() returns undefined (node.js)

Ive been playing around with mongodb in node.js. I have made a basic collection with some data (i know …

javascript node.js mongodb mlab
MongoError: not authorized on local to execute command while deploy on meteor galaxy

I am trying to deploy my app using meteor galaxy using below command meteor …

mongodb meteor meteor-galaxy mlab
How to connect MongoDB Compass using MLab connection string

I have database hosted on MLab and I am trying to connect it with Compass. I am using host and …

mongodb mlab