Top "Mlab" questions

MongoLab (Rebranded as mLab) is a fully-managed MongoDB Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) platform that automates the operational aspects of running MongoDB in the cloud.

MongoDB - strip non numeric characters in field

I have a field of phone numbers where a random variety of separators have been used, such as: 932-555-1515 951.555.1255 (952) 555…

regex mongodb mlab
How would someone connect their MLAB mongodb database to robomongo when MLAB only provides string URI's

I have been a mongochef user for a while, and setting up URI connections with mongochef is super easy. However …

mongodb robo3t mlab
JObject.ToBsonDocument dropping values

I'm inserting raw JSON into a collection and finding that what is stored in the database is missing the values. … mlab
Handling MongoDB disconnect/reconnects from Node

When my MongoDB connection is idle for a few minutes, the next request ends in error. From the mongo command …

node.js mongodb mlab node-mongodb-native
MongoParseError: Unescaped at-sign in authority section at parseConnectionString

I am trying to connect my nodejs application to mongoDB Using mlab but I am getting error which is not …

node.js mongodb mongoose mlab
What is the syntax for Dates in MongoDB running on MongoLab?

Instead of ObjectId('82he921he982he82') its "_id":{"$oid":"82he921he982he82"} for object Ids, but I have …

json mongodb datetime bson mlab
Count occurrences of duplicate values

How do I structure my MongooseJS/MongoDB query to get total duplicates/occurrences of a particular field value? Aka: The …

mongodb mongoose aggregation-framework mlab