Top "Methods" questions

A method is a block of code that performs a task and is associated with a class or an object.

Python, Overriding an inherited class method

I have two classes, Field and Background. They look a little bit like this: class Field( object ): def __init__( self, …

python inheritance methods super overwrite
Inheritance from multiple interfaces with the same method name

If we have a class that inherits from multiple interfaces, and the interfaces have methods with the same name, how …

c# inheritance methods interface multiple-inheritance
Return multiple values from a Java method: why no n-tuple objects?

Why isn't there a (standard, Java certified) solution, as part of the Java language itself, to return multiple values from …

java methods return-type
X does not implement Y (... method has a pointer receiver)

There are already several Q&As on this "X does not implement Y (... method has a pointer receiver)" thing, …

pointers go methods interface
Call a model method in a Controller

I'm have some difficulties here, I am unable to successfully call a method which belongs to a ProjectPage model in …

ruby-on-rails methods model controller instantiation
Java method with unlimited arguments

The spring framework uses methods where you can pass as many arguments as you like. I would like to write …

java methods arguments
codeigniter check for user session in every controller

I have this private session in one of my controllers that checks if a user is logged in: function _is_…

php codeigniter methods controller
How to override method via keyboard shortcut in Android Studio

I can finally ask a question to get my points up. In android studio, I want to be able to …

android methods overriding keyboard-shortcuts
Dynamically replace the contents of a C# method?

What I want to do is change how a C# method executes when it is called, so that I can …

c# methods assemblies cil
Javascript dynamically invoke object method from string

Can I dynamically call an object method having the method name as a string? I would imagine it like this: …

javascript oop dynamic methods invoke