Top "Message-queue" questions

"Message queue" is a design pattern or software engineering component that defines discipline or API for communication between two or more interrelated processes or systems.

Competing Consumer on Redis Pub/Sub supported?

I have 2 services. Both of them need subscribe to the same channel. The 2 services are load balanced. Each service runs …

redis message-queue publish-subscribe
How to set timeout detection on a RabbitMQ server?

I am trying out RabbitMQ with this python binding. One thing I noticed is that if I kill a consumer …

python message-queue rabbitmq amqp
IBM MQ for file transfer

We are facing a choice to use IBM MQ over SFTP for file transfer. I've heard advantages of such approach, …

ftp message-queue file-transfer ibm-mq
Activemq vs rabbitmq

I have read a few discussions and forums but still fail to understand which one is better rabbitmq vs activemq. …

java spring-mvc message-queue spring-jms spring-amqp
Sending message to message queue on my machine.....Error "Invalid queue path name"

I am sending a message to a pretty standard message queue that I have created on my machine running Windows …

msmq message-queue
IBM WebSphere MQ request/reply scenario

I'm currently working on a project where I need to interface with an IBM system which communicates with the outside …

jms message-queue ibm-mq
What are the disadvantages of Linux's message queues?

I am working on a message queue used to communication among process on embedded Linux. I am wondering why I'm …

c linux message-queue sysv-ipc
Centralized network logging - syslog and alternatives?

At work, we're building a distributed application (possibly across several machines on a LAN, possibly later across several continents on …

logging networking message-queue syslog
How to test whether log compaction is working or not in Kafka?

I have made the changes in file in Kafka i.e. added log.cleaner.enable=true and also …

message-queue apache-kafka retention stream-compaction
Event-sourcing: when (and not) should I use Message Queue?

I am building a project from scratch using event-sourcing with Java and Cassandra. My apps we be based on microservices …

asynchronous message-queue event-sourcing