Top "Memory-address" questions

A number used to indicate a particular location in computer's memory.

Why C++ would not print the memory address of a char but will print int or bool?

Possible Duplicate: Why is address of char data not displayed? Here is the code and the output: int main(int …

c++ char memory-address
Why does Go forbid taking the address of (&) map member, yet allows (&) slice element?

Go doesn't allow taking the address of a map member: // if I do this: p := &mm["abc"] // Syntax Error …

pointers memory go memory-address
Finding the load address of a shared library in Linux

At runtime I need to print out an address, and then find which function that address is part of. The …

linux load shared memory-address
Pointers to elements of STL containers

Given an STL container (you may also take boost::unordered_map and boost::multi_index_container into account) that is …

c++ pointers stl memory-address
both asterisk and ampersand in a parameter c++

I am reading a book about Binary Search Tree and something weird came up. class BST { public: void insert(const …

c++ pointers reference memory-address
lldb : Printing a variable's address

I am trying to print a variable's address with lldb. However, calling print &(myVar) prints the variable's content instead …

memory-address lldb
C++ - Allocating memory on heap using "new"

If I have the following statement: int *x = new int; In this case, I have allocated memory on the heap …

c++ heap new-operator dynamic-memory-allocation memory-address
Is there is a way to get the address of a register?

Is there is a way to get the address of a register? For example, the address of the eax register (…

assembly x86 memory-address
The address where filename has been loaded is missing [GDB]

I have following sample code #include<stdio.h> int main() { int num1, num2; printf("Enter two numbers\n"); …

linux gdb memory-address
Using LEA on values that aren't addresses / pointers?

I was trying to understand how Address Computation Instruction works, especially with leaq command. Then I get confused when I …

c assembly x86 memory-address