Top "Memory-address" questions

A number used to indicate a particular location in computer's memory.

What exactly is a C pointer if not a memory address?

In a reputable source about C, the following information is given after discussing the & operator: ... It's a bit unfortunate …

c pointers memory-address
Is it possible to store the address of a label in a variable and use goto to jump to it?

I know everyone hates gotos. In my code, for reasons I have considered and am comfortable with, they provide an …

c pointers label goto memory-address
C++ - Get value of a particular memory address

I was wondering whether it is possible to do something like this: unsigned int address = 0x0001FBDC; // Random address :P …

c++ pointers memory dereference memory-address
Disable randomization of memory addresses

I'm trying to debug a binary that uses a lot of pointers. Sometimes for seeing output quickly to figure out …

linux memory-address aslr
Address of an array

int t[10]; int * u = t; cout << t << " " << &t << endl; cout <&…

c++ arrays pointers memory-address
One memory location in a computer stores how much data?

Assume 32 Bit OS. One memory location in a computer stores how much data? Whats the basic unit of memory storage …

memory integer memory-address
What does "DS:[40207A]" mean in assembly?

0040103A CALL DWORD PTR DS:[40207A] USER32.MessageBoxA What does DS: mean?

assembly x86 memory-address
How to print the memory address of a slice in Golang?

I have some experience in C and I am totally new to golang. func learnArraySlice() { intarr := [5]int{12, 34, 55, 66, 43} slice := intarr[:] fmt.…

go slice memory-address
Why is address of char data not displayed?

class Address { int i ; char b; string c; public: void showMap ( void ) ; }; void Address :: showMap ( void ) { cout << "address …

c++ cout memory-address
C method for iterating through a struct's members like an array?

Let's say I have a vector class: typedef struct vec3_s { float x, y, z; } vec3; But, I would like …

c vector iteration memory-address subscript