Top "Memcached" questions

Memcached is a simple distributed object cache that caches information in memory, and can be used to improve the performance of dynamic web applications by reducing access time and database load.

Difference between Memcache, APC, XCache and other alternatives I've not heard of

At work, we've recently started designing an application to me "large scale" (we're engineering for the potential to serve up …

caching memcached apc xcache
Getting Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE). when using memcache in kohana

i'm getting this error when i try to use memcache using kohana. all i did was changed the hostname in …

php memcached kohana
Error when install pylibmc using pip

Hello when I attempt to install pylibmc on OSX Lion using pip I get the following error: ./_pylibmcmodule.h:42:10: fatal …

python memcached osx-lion libmemcached
Which .NET Memcached client do you use, EnyimMemcached vs. BeITMemcached?

Seems like both EnyimMemcached ( and BeITMemcached ( are popular .NET …

c# caching memcached
How to cache Django Rest Framework API calls?

I'm using Memcached as backend to my django app. This code works fine in normal django query: def get_myobj(): …

python django caching django-rest-framework memcached
Which is faster/better for caching, File System or Memcached?

I don't think it's clear to me yet, is it faster to read things from a file or from memcached? …

performance caching filesystems memcached
Is it possible to get/search Memcached keys by a prefix?

I'm writing to memcached a lot of key/value -> PREFIX_KEY1, PREFIX_KEY2, PREFIX_KEY3 I need to …

memcached enyim
error when installing pecl memcached

I've been having real trouble installing the pecl memcached package. Have not had any joy with any yum or pear/…

centos memcached pecl
Memcache vs Java Memory

Simple, probably dumb question: Suppose I have a Java server that stores in memory commonly used keys and values which …

caching memory memcached redis
Redis and Memcache or just Redis?

I'm using memcached for some caching in my Rails 3 app through the simple Rails.cache interface and now I'd like …

ruby-on-rails memcached heroku redis