Top "Kohana" questions

HMVC PHP5 framework that provides a set of components for building web applications.

What is the HMVC pattern?

Reading Kohana's documentation, I found out that the main difference in 3.0 version is that it follows the HMVC pattern instead …

php kohana hmvc
What is a query offset?

I saw this at the Kohana documentation: $content = new View('pages/items'); $items = new Items_Model; $content->items = $items-&…

mysql kohana
how to use $this->request->param of Kohana to get request variables

I have written a sample controller in kohana <?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct access allowed.'); class …

php kohana
Getting Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE). when using memcache in kohana

i'm getting this error when i try to use memcache using kohana. all i did was changed the hostname in …

php memcached kohana
Searching for a Kohana Beginner's Tutorial for PHP

I am going to try to build a PHP website using a framework for the first time, and after some …

php frameworks kohana
Kohana 3 get current controller/action/arguments

In Kohana 2 you could easily get that information like this: echo router::$controller; echo router::$method; echo router::$arguments[0-x]; …

php kohana kohana-3
Use of undefined constant CURLOPT_POST - assumed 'CURLOPT_POST'

I am making a cURL request via Kohana 3.2 but I get the following error when it tries to access CURLOPT_…

php apache curl wamp kohana
How to set up .htaccess for Kohana correctly, so that there is no ugly "index.php/" in the URL?

After 2 hours now I couldn't get it right. The Kohana installation is accessible directly under my domain, i.e. "http://…

php .htaccess kohana
preventing csrf in php

Requiring authentication in GET and POST parameters, not only cookies; Checking the HTTP Referer header; saw this post on wikipedia …

php security kohana
how can I get post data in Kohana 3 controller?

I've got a view with a form, so when user submits it - could anyone give me a link or …

model-view-controller post kohana kohana-3