Top "Media-queries" questions

Media queries enable the conditional application of CSS styles based on media types, such as screen and print, and the conditions of media features, such as viewport and device height and width.

Masonry destroy and initialize again

I have initialize masonry plugin - works OK, than I destroy it for media width <= 767px - it was …

media-queries jquery-masonry destroy recreate
Safari doesn't calculate rem units correct when scaling with @media (width/height/background-size)

When using rem as units in css, scaling doesn't really work in Safari (both PC and Mac). Example located at …

css safari media-queries font-size dimensions
Media queries PX vs EM vs REM

Can anyone explain why my media queries break when converting them FROM px TO ems In the body of my …

html css media-queries ssas
jQuery Masonry and media queries - reload masonry

i have my site designed with media queries to cover different-sized layouts. i have masonry organizing a bunch of floats …

jquery media-queries jquery-masonry
How do I support more mobile viewport widths on CSS3-enabled website and force mobile browser to use the proper width?

I have website with fixed width of 1000px. I want to support 2 smaller widths of this page. I have succesfully …

mobile css viewport media-queries
Nesting CSS @supports and @media queries

I have been trying to figure out whether it's possible to nest CSS feature queries (also known as “CSS @supports”) …

css media-queries feature-detection
Foundation 5 no longer using xlarge and xxlarge grid sizes

Problem In Foundation 5.0.2 and up, it is not using the xlarge and xxlarge grid sizes. They worked in prior versions 5.0.0 …

css sass media-queries zurb-foundation
Responsive img gets wrong images from srcset

Tested using Google Chrome in Incognito mode and reloading the page with "empty cache and hard reload" each time. I …

html image media-queries srcset
How to determine if a device is in portrait or landscape mode using CSS

For determining screen size I'm using media queries but I want determine if a device is in portrait or landscape …

css responsive-design media-queries landscape-portrait
Angular 4 component responsive animations

I am working on an Angular responsive app, which on mobile it has a drawer. I love Web Animations API …

angular media-queries angular-animations web-animations