Top "Mean" questions

The arithmetic mean (or simply the mean or average when the context is clear) is the central tendency of a collection of numbers.

How to add mean, and mode to ggplot histogram?

I need to add a mean line and the value of the mode for example to this kinds of plots: …

r ggplot2 histogram mean mode
How to plot mean and standard error in Boxplot in R

I have two categorical factors ('Habitat' and 'Locality'), and one continuous variable (T). 'Habitat' has two level and 'Locality' has …

r ggplot2 mean boxplot standard-error
Element-wise mean in R

In R, I have two vectors: a <- c(1, 2, 3, 4) b <- c(NA, 6, 7, 8) How do I find the …

r mean
average between duplicated rows in R

I have a data frame df with rows that are duplicates for the names column but not for the values …

r duplicates aggregate mean
harmonic mean in python

The Harmonic Mean function in Python (scipy.stats.hmean) requires that the input be positive numbers. For example: from scipy …

python math statistics scipy mean
Middle point of each pair of an numpy.array

I have an array of the form: x = np.array([ 1230., 1230., 1227., 1235., 1217., 1153., 1170.]) and I would like to produce another array where the …

python numpy mean
Calculate group mean (or other summary stats) and assign to original data

I want to calculate mean (or any other summary statistics of length one, e.g. min, max, length, sum) of …

r mean summary mutate r-faq
Loop function and add columns to dataframe in R

I want to loop a function over dataframes and add information from the function to the data frame. I have …

r function loops mean sapply
R row means on multiple columns by groups (or unique IDs)

I have a data frame like below (20,000 rows by 49 cols). Each row has a unique name (ID), each ID has 3 …

r aggregate data.table mean
Counting average on list<T> field

I have list of A, and I want to count average on it's field a. What's the best way to …

c# .net iterator average mean