Top "Mean" questions

The arithmetic mean (or simply the mean or average when the context is clear) is the central tendency of a collection of numbers.

express app server . listen all interfaces instead of localhost only

I'm very new for this stuff, and trying to make some express app var express = require('express'); var app = express(); …

javascript node.js express mean
What is the difference between np.mean and tf.reduce_mean?

In the MNIST beginner tutorial, there is the statement accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, "float")) tf.cast …

python numpy machine-learning mean tensorflow
typeerror: app.use() requires middleware function

I am learning node.js with express template engine, I am following udemy course "learn node.js by building 10 projects", …

javascript node.js express mean
Calculating weighted mean and standard deviation

I have a time series x_0 ... x_t. I would like to compute the exponentially weighted variance of the data. …

r statistics mean weighted
How to average over a cell-array of arrays?

I have a cell array c of equal-sized arrays, i.e. size(c{n}) = [ m l ... ] for any n. How …

arrays matlab mean cell-array
Plot mean and standard deviation by category

I'm trying to plot a plot with mean and sd bars by three levels of a factor. (After two hours …

r plot mean
Generate random numbers with fixed mean and sd

When generating random numbers in R using rnorm (or runif etc.), they seldom have the exact mean and SD as …

r random mean standard-deviation
mean( ,na.rm=TRUE) still returns NA

I'm very new to R (moving over from SPSS). I'm using RStudio on a Mac running Mavericks. Please answer my …

r mean na
Python/Pandas Dataframe replace 0 with median value

I have a python pandas dataframe with several columns and one column has 0 values. I want to replace the 0 values …

python pandas dataframe mean median
how to calculate and use cvMat mean value

In the openCV cheat sheet (C++), I have found the matrix opration mean(). When I use it: float myMatMean = mean( …

c++ opencv matrix mean