Top "Maven-surefire-plugin" questions

The Surefire Plugin is used during the test phase of the build lifecycle to execute the unit tests of an application.

Maven won't run tests

When running mvn test maven won't run all Test Classes. When I explicitly provide a class by adding -Dtest=PropertyTests …

maven maven-2 junit junit4 maven-surefire-plugin
Setting properties via Maven command line

I'm confused about the correct way to set a property for some unit tests via the command line when using …

java maven properties maven-surefire-plugin
JaCoCo coverage is missing

I've been working on this for hours, and every solution I've tried that I've found online makes no difference. I …

maven sonarqube jacoco maven-surefire-plugin jacoco-maven-plugin
Merging Integration and Unit test reports with JaCoCo

I am generating failsafe and surefire reports with maven with the JaCoCo plugin, but I can only manage to get …

maven code-coverage jacoco maven-surefire-plugin maven-failsafe-plugin
Maven separate Unit Test and Integration Tests

UT = Unit Tests IT = Integration Tests. All my Integration test classes are annotated with @Category(IntegrationTest.class) My goal is: …

maven integration-testing maven-surefire-plugin maven-failsafe-plugin
Using the Maven surefire plugin to include tests

I am using Maven to build my project. I currently split testing into different hierarchies: Unit tests -> src/…

java unit-testing maven maven-surefire-plugin
Append the value of argLine param in maven-surefire-plugin

I am using maven-surefire-plugin + Sonar together and I would like to add some extra value to argLine parameter of the …

java maven maven-3 maven-surefire-plugin
Java 8: What is the equivalent of "UseSplitVerifier"?

I'm using Maven 3.2.3 on Mac 10.9.5 and have this for my compiler plugin ... <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.…

java-8 warnings maven-surefire-plugin maven-compiler-plugin
How do I configure maven to print JUnit assertion failure message to console

I'm using the surefire maven plugin to run unit tests. My test class looks like this: public class Test1 { @org.…

maven junit assertion maven-surefire-plugin
Surefire doesn't launch test in src/main/java

I needed to move some src/test/java to src/main/java according to this recommandation from maven-jar-plugin documentation => …

unit-testing maven maven-surefire-plugin