Top "Maven-surefire-plugin" questions

The Surefire Plugin is used during the test phase of the build lifecycle to execute the unit tests of an application.

Surefire Maven plugin: "Corrupted STDOUT by directly writing to native stream in forked JVM"

My JUnit tests are failing when running them through Maven and the Surefire plugin (version information below). I see the …

java maven junit maven-surefire-plugin
NoSuchMethodError with Hamcrest 1.3 & JUnit 4.11

Another instance of the NoSuchMethodError for the JUnit & Hamcrest combination. Offending code: assertThat(dirReader.document(0).getFields(), hasItem( new FeatureMatcher&…

maven junit junit4 maven-surefire-plugin hamcrest
Jacoco - "Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jacoco.agent.rt.internal_6da5971.Offline"

Trying to get coverage via jacoco using offline instrumentation (can't use on-the-fly instrumentation: due to powermock testcases) for a maven …

maven jacoco maven-surefire-plugin jacoco-maven-plugin
Troubles with SureFire plugin: -"The forked VM terminated without saying properly goodbye. VM crash or System.exit called ? "

While running of unit tests following exception occurs: org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: ExecutionException; nested exception is java.util.concurrent.…

java junit powermock maven-surefire-plugin
Output failed test details to stdout using maven surefire

When I run my build using maven 2 mvn clean install my tests are run by surefire plug-in. In case test …

java testing maven-2 maven-surefire-plugin
Maven doesn't execute any unit test

I am using Maven with multi-modules. There are 3 projects. foo(the parent project) foo-core foo-bar I configure all the dependencies …

unit-testing maven maven-surefire-plugin
Generate test-jar along with jar file in test package

I want to package my test package to jar file . How to execute generate test-jar from maven plugin Surefire.

maven maven-surefire-plugin
How to parametrize Maven surefire plugin so I can choose which TestNG suites to run

I've got many test suites in TestNG. These are XML files. I want to be able to choose multiple XML …

java unit-testing maven testng maven-surefire-plugin
Maven build and maven-failsafe-plugin - The forked VM terminated without properly saying goodbye

I use Docker and for my integration tests. On my Windows 10 (after updating to …

java maven docker windows-10 maven-surefire-plugin
Maven surefire: append to argLine

I have 2 profiles that may or may not be used together to run a group of tests. They each require …

maven maven-3 maven-surefire-plugin