Top "Maven-module" questions

How do I exclude certain modules from a Maven build using the commandline

Is there a way to exclude some modules from a big reactor build, similar to -pl ? Here are a number …

maven maven-module
Jenkins building a product consisting of many Maven projects? (with Jenkins Pipeline plugin?)

We have a product that consists of many Maven projects that depend on each other. All of these Maven projects …

maven jenkins jenkins-workflow maven-module maven-dependency
How to test Maven module project with Spring Boot

I have split a project, based on Spring Boot, into several Maven modules. Now only the war-project contains a starter …

java junit spring-boot maven-module
Maven Multi Module benefits over simple dependency

I have some years of experience with maven projects, even with multi modules ones (which has made me hate the …

maven dependency-management maven-module
Error creating assembly archive in multi module maven project

I have created a multi-module maven project with 2 modules(child1, child2). I am trying to create a package - APP.…

java maven maven-assembly-plugin maven-module
Hibernate and JPA error: duplicate import on dependent Maven project

I have two Maven projects, one called project-data and the other one call project-rest which has a dependency on the …

maven jpa dependencies maven-module
Maven jetty plugin - automatic reload using a multi-module project

I am developing a Java web application, using a multi-module maven project. The project setup is the following: pom.xml …

java maven jetty maven-jetty-plugin maven-module