Top "Maven-2" questions

Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool.

Maven 2.1.0 not passing on system properties to Java virtual machine

We use the command line to pass on system properties to the Java virtual machine when running our Hudson builds …

maven-2 jvm maven-plugin surefire system-properties
Maven GWT 2.0 and Eclipse

Does anyone know of a good guide for creating a project with the new 2.0 release of GWT using maven and …

java eclipse maven-2 gwt
Use public maven repository with ivy

I have an ivy.xml containing <dependencies> <dependency org="commons-lang" name="commons-lang" rev="2.4"/> <dependency org="…

maven-2 artifactory ivy
How do I upgrade the version of a maven plugin?

I am using the maven-ear-plugin version 2.3.1 - I know there is a new version available:…

java maven-2 build-process maven-ear-plugin
How to configure hibernate-tools with maven to generate hibernate.cfg.xml, *.hbm.xml, POJOs and DAOs

can any one tell me how to force maven to precede mapping .hbm.xml files in the automatically generated hibernate.…

hibernate maven-2 hibernate-tools
How to run individual test in the integration-test target in maven

We have a hundreds of tests defined for our integration-test phase lifecycle in maven, and they take a long time …

maven-2 integration-testing maven-surefire-plugin
Activation of maven profile based on multiple properties

I am creating a maven 2 build for a project and I came up with profiles since the build has to …

maven-2 profile activation
Integrate Protocol Buffers into Maven2 build

I'm experimenting with Protocol Buffers in an existing, fairly vanilla Maven 2 project. Currently, I invoke a shell script every time …

maven-2 protocol-buffers
Best practices for integration tests with Maven?

I have a project which I am building with Maven which uses Hibernate (and Spring) to retrieve data from a …

java testing maven-2 integration-testing
Maven surefire plugin fork mode

By default maven surefile plugin run tests in isolated (forked) environment. You can override this behavior with following configuration: <…

maven-2 surefire fork