Matchers are objects used among other things by testing libraries to check, if an object matches an abstract description of an expected state.
Maybe a finesse question, my problem is that if I write: EXPECT_CALL(mock, handleMessage(_)).Times(0); // expectation #1 EXPECT_CALL(mock, …
c++ matcher googlemock expectationsI know this has been asked but I am unable to fix it For a book object with body (spanish): "…
java regex matcherIs there a regex which extracts SQL queries from a string? I'm NOT interested to validate any SQL syntax, rather …
java regex matcherI was wondering if Java had an equivalent to C#’s named pattern matching. For example, in C# I can …
java regex matcherI am dying trying to figure out why a regex won't match. Any help is much appreciated. I'm going line …
java regex matcher