Top "Matcher" questions

Matchers are objects used among other things by testing libraries to check, if an object matches an abstract description of an expected state.

Mockito Matchers.any(...) on one argument only

I want to do this: verify(function, Mockito.times(1)).doSomething(argument1, Matchers.any(Argument2.class)); Where argument1 is a specfic …

java testing mockito matcher
Hamcrest matcher for a String, where the String contains some random values

Is there a way to match the following string with any of the hamcrest matchers. "{\"messageType\":\"identify\",\"_id\":\"7de9a446…

java jmock matcher hamcrest
how to implement a hamcrest matcher

I want to run this line of code: assertThat(contextPin.get(), equalTo(pinPage.getPinObjFromUi())); but I want to print to …

java equals matcher hamcrest