Top "Maptools" questions

The R package maptools provides a set of tools for manipulating and reading geographic data, in particular ESRI shapefiles.

Simple way to subset SpatialPolygonsDataFrame (i.e. delete polygons) by attribute in R

I would like simply delete some polygons from a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object based on corresponding attribute values in the @data data …

r mapping spatial maptools
Error opening SHP file in R using maptools readShapePoly

I am new to R and was following the following tutorial on the ggplot2 package found here. However the readShapePoly() …

r shapefile maptools
How to create a world map in R with specific countries filled in?

I would like to use R to generate a very basic world map with a specific set of countries filled …

r maps maptools rworldmap
ggplot2 two data.frames, doesn't know how to deal with data of class uneval

I'm new to R and do not know how to plot two data.frames with ggplot2. I get the following …

r ggplot2 rgdal hmisc maptools
How to turn gpclibPermit() to TRUE

When I run gpclibPermit(), I've got the answer FALSE. How can I change it to be TRUE?

r maptools
Plotting a raster behind a shapefile

How can I plot a "raster" object behind a shapefile object? Both plot fine on their own but the points …

r raster maptools rgdal
Plotting Thematic Maps in R Using Shapefiles and Data Files from DIfferent Sources

Given a shapefile, how do I shape and use a data file in order to be able to plot thematic …

r shapefile maptools
R: ggplot2 with geom_map returns "x and units must have length > 0" error despite values converted to factors

I'm working on a primitive shiny app that would map some data from the Open Data for Scotland project. I …

r ggplot2 sparql shiny maptools
Geographical CRS given to non-conformant data in R

sorry for bothering you for this, but it is maybe 5 hours I am getting mad on this issue and I …

r maptools