Top "Many-to-many" questions

A type of relationship between entities of types A and B which associates a list of entities of type B to an entity of type A and vice versa.

Many to Many Relationships not saving

I have two entities with a fairly standard Many to Many relationship that I created in EF 5 Code First. These …

entity-framework many-to-many
UnsupportedOperationException merge-saving many-to-many relation with hibernate and JPA

I've set up a simple many-to-many relationship account : role with Hibernate but when I try to save an account in …

hibernate jpa many-to-many
Generic many-to-many relationships

I'm trying to create a messaging system where a message's sender and recipients can be generic entities. This seems fine …

python django generics django-models many-to-many
Should many to many tables have a primary key?

If I have two objects that have a many-to-many relationship, I would typically model them in my database schema with …

database many-to-many database-agnostic
many-to-many mapping in NHibernate

I'm looking to create a many to many relationship using NHibernate. I'm not sure how to map these in the …

nhibernate nhibernate-mapping many-to-many xml-configuration
Entity Framework - Eager load two many-to-many relationships

Sorry for this being so long, but at least I think I got all info to be able to understand …

entity-framework linq-to-entities many-to-many eager
Java method naming conventions: Too many getters

Why do Java method names use the "get" prefix so extensively? At least in my Java programs there are a …

java naming-conventions getter many-to-many
many-to-many and sonata-admin-bundle

I have ManyToMany related entities Partner and District, but when i editing relationships between object of entities changes are not …

symfony many-to-many sonata-admin
How to properly index a linking table for many-to-many connection in MySQL?

Lets say I have a simple many-to-many table between tables "table1" and "table2" that consists from two int fields: "table1…

mysql indexing many-to-many
symfony2 many-to-many form checkbox

I have in symfony created 2 entities: User and Role in many-to-many relationship. That means every user can have more roles …

forms symfony many-to-many