Top "Many-to-many" questions

A type of relationship between entities of types A and B which associates a list of entities of type B to an entity of type A and vice versa.

SQLAlchemy ManyToMany secondary table with additional fields

I have 3 tables: User, Community, community_members (for relationship many2many of users and community). I create this tables using …

python orm sqlalchemy many-to-many flask-sqlalchemy
Compound/Composite primary/unique key with Django

How can you create models (and thus tables) with a compound (composite) primary/unique key using Django?

database django django-models many-to-many compound-key
Django ManyToManyField ordering using through

Here is a snippet of how my models are setup: class Profile(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=32) accout = …

python django many-to-many
Saving Many to Many relationship to database in Symfony2

In my Symfony2 project I have two related entities: Users and Favorites. They have a many-to-many relationship. My application works …

database symfony many-to-many save
Querying ManyToMany relationship with Hibernate Criteria

I'm not sure how to describe this problem, so I think an example is the best way to ask my …

java sql hibernate criteria many-to-many
Yii framework Many to Many relationships

What is the method to save and update Many to Many relationship in Yii framework?

php has-and-belongs-to-many yii many-to-many
SQLAlchemy: filter by membership in at least one many-to-many related table

Using SQLAlchemy 0.7.1 and a MySQL 5.1 database, I've got a many-to-many relationship set up as follows: user_groups = Table('user_groups', …

python mysql many-to-many sqlalchemy
Self-referencing many-to-many recursive relationship code first Entity Framework

I can't seem to make this work at all class Member { public virtual IList<Member> Friends { get; set; } […

c# entity-framework many-to-many code-first
SQLite many-to-many relationship?

I'm trying to set up a SQLite3 database with foos and bars and a many-to-many relation between them. This is …

sqlite many-to-many relational-database
update pivot table in case of many to many relation laravel4

I have started working with Laravel4 recently. I am facing some problem while updating pivot table data, in case of …

many-to-many laravel pivot-table laravel-4 eloquent