I'm not sure how to describe this problem, so I think an example is the best way to ask my question:
I have two tables with a manyToMany relationship:
DriversLicence <-> LicenceClass
LicenceClass is things like "Car", "Motorbike", and "Medium Rigid".
Using Hibernate Criteria, how can I find all licences that have both "Car" and "Motorbike" LicenceClasses?
UPDATE 12/11/2008 I have discovered that this can easily be achieved by using a custom ResultTransformer. However the problem is that a result transformer only gets applied AFTER the query returns its results, it does not actually become part of the SQL. So I guess my question is now "Can you do what I initially described in SQL - and is there a Hibernate Criteria analog?"
Here's how I finally achieved it using HQL:
public List<DriversLicence> findDriversLicencesWith(List<LicenceClass> licenceClasses) {
String hqlString = "select dl from DriversLicenceImpl dl where 1=1 ";
for (int i = 0; i < licenceClasses.size(); i++) {
hqlString += " and :licenceClass" + i + " = some elements(dl.licenceClasses)";
Query query = getSession().createQuery(hqlString);
for (int i = 0; i < licenceClasses.size(); i++) {
query.setParameter("licenceClass" + i, licenceClasses.get(i));
return query.list();
Or using Hibernate Criteria with an sqlRestriction:
for (LicenceClass licenceClass : licenceClasses) {
criteria.add(Restrictions.sqlRestriction("? = some(select " + LicenceClass.PRIMARY_KEY + " from " +
LICENCE_CLASS_JOIN_TABLE + " where {alias}." +
DriversLicence.PRIMARY_KEY + " = " + DriversLicence.PRIMARY_KEY + ")",
licenceClass.getId(), Hibernate.LONG));
LICENCE_CLASS_JOIN_TABLE is the name of the table that hibernate generates to support the many-to-many relationship between driversLicence and LicenceClass.