Top "Manifest" questions

A manifest is a file containing metadata about an application, data file or assembly.

Using attributes from API level beyond minSdkVersion

I am new to Android development and am wondering what happens if you use attributes on XML tags from an …

android xml api manifest
What is the main use of the site.webmanifest file?

I am using a HTML Boilerplate and I see a file called site.webmanifest. I have searched information on the …

javascript html manifest boilerplate manifest.json
HTML5 web app not caching when added to home screen in iOS

To be clear, the web app IS caching and is working fine offline in Mobile Safari. The problem is when …

ios web-applications mobile-safari manifest offline-caching
Maximum Length of Android versionName / versionCode (Manifest)

I am trying to find out the maximum length of both the android:versionName and android:versionCode attributes of the …

java android android-manifest manifest maxlength
How to setup Android Firebase Notification in Manifest?

I'm trying to setup Firebase notifications. I did changes in app level and root level build.gradle. But still, its …

android firebase manifest firebase-notifications
Next.js PWA (Service Worker + Manifest.json)

I am using Next.js to develop a Server Side Rendering website and I want to make it a Progressive …

manifest service-worker progressive-web-apps next.js lighthouse
Google Chrome: DOMException: Registration failed - manifest empty or missing

I am trying to implement Push Notifications on my website (using Pushpad). Therefore I created a "manifest.json" with following …

google-chrome push-notification manifest web-push pushpad
Maven does not generate a MANIFEST file with maven jar plugin

I try to generate a .zip file with maven (mvn package) and want to have a MANIFEST file in the …

java maven manifest pom.xml maven-jar-plugin
Why are manifest class path entries not found on WebSphere Liberty Profile startup?

When starting my application with WebSphere Liberty Profile (release 2013.11.0.0 - 8.5.5.Next Alpha with extended content) there are a lot of …

classpath manifest websphere-liberty
How to view css stylesheet injected by a Google Chrome extension using dev tools?

I'm injecting a css file from my chrome extension using the manifest.json (full source): "content_scripts": [ { "matches": [ "http://*/*" ], "css":["…

user-interface google-chrome-extension google-chrome-devtools manifest file-browser