Top "Manifest" questions

A manifest is a file containing metadata about an application, data file or assembly.

Chrome Extension Send Message From Background.js to Content Script

I have read the documentation on how to do Send Message From background javascript file(main.js) to Content Script (…

google-chrome-extension manifest content-script
Program Compatibility Assistant thinks my app is an installer

I have created a .NET C# WinForms application on Win 7 RTM x64, which let's say I have called DataInstaller. When …

c# .net windows-7 uac manifest
Can’t use android:xlargeScreens="true"?

I am making app for phones, but I wan’t them to be usable on tablets. I don’t know …

android manifest tablet screen-size
Puppet 2.7: Calling puppet apply init.pp does nothing - why?

Directory and file layout as follows: app_test/ app_test/manifests app_test/manifests/init.pp app_test/manifests/test.…

manifest apply puppet
Working with Visual Studios C++ manifest files

I have written some code that makes use of an open source library to do some of the heavy lifting. …

c++ visual-studio dll manifest
Tab Layout tutorial incomplete?

I've been trying to implement the tab UI described in this tutorial:…

android android-tabhost manifest
Android No Resource Identifier Found for XLargeScreens

I would like my Android app to be compatible with as many devices as humanly possible, so naturally I would …

android size screen manifest tablet
Chrome extension manifest 2 and 1, compatibility

I have an extension that I recently upgraded to manifest version 2. To do this I removed the background_page property …

google-chrome-extension manifest chromium
Application signing/verification

I'm relatively new to Windows development, but have just finished a small project. I want to make my application "verified" …

c# windows visual-studio-2010 manifest code-signing
How to include all dependent Jars within a single non-executable jar?

I am stuck in a very common problem. I am plugging my jar (which has many dependencies on third party …

java jar classpath manifest onejar