Top "Manifest" questions

A manifest is a file containing metadata about an application, data file or assembly.

Embedding an application manifest into a VB6 exe

I have recently gone through a bunch of standalone utility apps written in VB6 to make sure that registry virtualization …

vb6 resources uac manifest
chrome extension- manifest version 2 _locales issues

i'm trying to update my manifest version for my extension but it gave me this problem: default locale was specified, …

google-chrome-extension manifest
Difference between "highestAvailable" and "requireAdministrator" in manifest in terms of Elevation?

I used "highestAvailable" in my exe's manifest. But in standard user and UAC ON its not elevating the exe. Is …

windows winapi sdk manifest
Could not find file 'Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls, Version=, Culture=*, PublicKeyToken=6595b64144ccf1df,

I'm trying to integrate this library into my application. At first it crashed with Unable to find an entry point …

c# wpf manifest common-controls
Is it possible to have SHA1-Digest in java Manifest file without actually using a key

Currently we use jarsigner to sign our jar. We then display some SHA1-Digest values for some specific classes to …

java jar manifest jarsigner
"application configuration is incorrect" and "side-by-side configuration is incorrect" running VS2008 64-bit debug build

I am working on a 64-bit OS windows 7 ultimate machine VS2008 with 64bit addon. I have successfully build my projects …

c++ visual-studio-2008 manifest 64-bit debug-build
How to use different package names between flavors?

I'm trying to create a single project with 2 flavors: free and pro (versions). My app is already in PlayStore with …

android merge manifest android-flavors
vsixmanifest for all: VS 2010, 2012 and 2013

I'm using VSIX Manifest Designer under VS2013. I've added Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro product identifier and [10.0,13.0) version range to install targets. …

visual-studio manifest vsix vsixmanifest
ClickOnce - File Already Exists Error - Why is a DLL File Trying to be Copied Twice by ClickOnce?

Does ClickOnce only look at the application manifest file to determine which dll files to copy to the client’s …

.net clickonce manifest