Top "Maintainability" questions

Maintainability refers to the nature, methods, theory and art of maximizing the ease with which an asset may be sustained, modified or enhanced throughout the duration of its expected useful life.

Doing calculations in MySQL vs PHP

Context: We have a PHP/MySQL application. Some portions of the calculations are done in SQL directly. eg: All users …

php mysql performance maintainability
Array of objects vs Object of Objects

The issue is to decided the trade offs between following notations: JSON based: "users": { "id1": { "id": "id1", "firstname": "firstname1", "lastname": "…

java arrays json performance maintainability
What's the cleanest way to write a multiline string in JavaScript?

It doesn't really have to add newlines, just something readable. Anything better than this? str = "line 1" + "line 2" + "line 3";

javascript string readability maintainability
Code Metrics Calculation in Visual Studio

What is the prefered score range for the code metrics calculation for the following Maintainability Index Cyclomatic Complexity Depth of …

c# visual-studio-2008 code-metrics maintainability cyclomatic-complexity
Angular directives - element or attribute?

I'm part of a team with about 6 UI devs, of varying quality and next to no Angular experience. Many are …

angularjs angularjs-directive maintainability
How complex should code be?

I'm studying about algorithms which can help me write smaller but more complex code. Instead of writing 150 lines of if-else …

algorithm maintainability cyclomatic-complexity code-complexity
Visual Studio Code Metrics and the Maintainability index of switch case

As a person who loves to follow the best practices, If i run code metrics (right click on project name …

visual-studio indexing maintainability code-metrics
Writing Maintainable Event-Driven Code

I have just recently started playing with event-driven architectures, coming from a pretty standard object-oriented mindset. The first thing I …

architecture documentation node.js maintainability event-driven
What should we do to prepare for 2038?

I would like to think that some of the software I'm writing today will be used in 30 years. But I …

unix time maintainability year2038