Top "Mahapps.metro" questions


Using MahApps Metro theme VS2013

I'm trying to do the Getting Started instructions here: I've gotten the …

c# xaml mahapps.metro
Overwrite Mahapps Metro style for me header Tabitem

I am working with WPF and MVVM. I installed Mahapps Metro, this nuget package provides all styles for my app. …

c# wpf xaml mvvm mahapps.metro
Show window icon in title bar with MahApps.Metro?

I started using MahApps.Metro just yesterday, and I can't figure out how to get application icon to show as …

wpf mahapps.metro
Mahapps Custom title bar color

Currently i am using <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/MahApps.Metro;component/Styles/Accents/BaseLight.xaml" /> And this is …

wpf mahapps.metro
Designing a Hamburger menu in WPF with Mahapps.Metro

Currently, I'm using a Grid of Buttons for housing keys for navigation. It's hideous, but gets the job done. Here's …

wpf xaml caliburn.micro mahapps.metro hamburger-menu
Replace Window title with Menu for MahApps.Metro borderless Window

I'm developing a border less WPF window application with MahApps.Metro control. I want to have my menu where normally …

c# wpf xaml mahapps.metro
Resize TabItem header size inside TabControl

I am using MahApps TabControl and i have several TabItems: <TabControl Name="tabControl" FontSize="12"> <TabItem Header="Statistics" /&…

wpf tabcontrol mahapps.metro
WPF 'Set property 'System.Windows.ResourceDictionary.DeferrableContent' threw an exception.'

My application runs fine in VS 2010 but when I copy the executable from the bin folder to another location I …

c# wpf nuget mahapps.metro
MahApps.Metro icon not showing

I am trying to add a "refresh" button in the window title bar, using MahApps.Metro My App.xaml is …

wpf mahapps.metro
Customizing Mahapps.MetroWindow Close Button

I'm using Mahapps.MetroWindow ( ) to style my applications appearance and right now I'm looking for the right …

wpf xaml mahapps.metro