I have csv in which have lot of email is exit
,it want to assign those email to newsleter subscription list
. Who i will do....
And check how skip for exiting customer because there are already list in newsleter
As krupal patel did not have enough reputation for post answer so , instead of him i have put answer.
Follow this step
Step 1 Add import.php file in Magento root directory
this code should be
$store_id = 1;
$csv_filepath = "subscribers.csv";
$csv_delimiter = ',';
$csv_enclosure = '"';
$magento_path = __DIR__;
require "{$magento_path}/app/Mage.php";
echo "<pre>";
$fp = fopen($csv_filepath, "r");
if (!$fp) die("{$csv_filepath} not found\n");
$count = 0;
while (($row = fgetcsv($fp, 0, $csv_delimiter, $csv_enclosure)) !== false){
if ($count != 0){
$email = trim($row[1]);
$type = trim($row[2]);
$fname = trim($row[3]);
$lname = trim($row[4]);
$status = trim($row[5]);
$website = trim($row[6]);
$store = trim($row[7]);
$store_view = trim($row[8]);
if (strlen($email) == 0) continue;
echo "$email";
$subscriber = Mage::getModel('newsletter/subscriber')->loadByEmail($email);
if ($subscriber->getId()){
echo $email . " <b>already subscribed</b>\n";
$subscriber_status = Mage::getModel('newsletter/subscriber')->loadByEmail($email);
if ($status == 1){
}else if($status == 2){
}else if($status == 3){
}else if($status == 4){
echo $email . " <b>ok</b>\n";
echo "Import finished\n";
Step 2 Add subscribers.csv
file in Magento root directory
Step 3: Run import.php file
in root directory like ( http://domainname.com/import.php
Step 4: Go to admin menu Newsletter > Newsletter Subscribers and finally you subscriber user CSV file import
Visit link for code = http://krupalpatel92.blogspot.com/2014/09/magento-newsletter-subscriber-csv-file.html
Cheer up krupal patel