Magento "Unable to list current working directory"

Christian picture Christian · Mar 2, 2012 · Viewed 10.9k times · Source

I am trying to set up table rates in Magento The problem occurs when I try to upload the file with table rates (CSV-file). Then the error "Unable to list current working directory" appears and I can't go any further.

TMP, Media and Var folders have perm.777.

I have read everything there was to find on the Internet on this problem - many seem to have had this problem but I have yet to see a solution.

Note: Probably not very relevant, but I am on Unoeuro hosting on a shared serverspot.


Jan Tomka picture Jan Tomka · Oct 16, 2015

With some extensions (Wyomind Simple Google Shopping) the error shows up when var/tmp is missing in Magento directory structure.