Top "Lwjgl" questions

The Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL) allows access to high performance crossplatform libraries such as OpenGL, OpenCL and OpenAL to write state of the art 2D and 3D applications with Java.

How to make basic line segments in LWJGL/OpenGL

I am in the process of learning LWJGL and also OpenGL. I have done the tutorials on quads, and also …

graphics lines lwjgl points
Javafx Platform.runLater never running

I basically want to be able to launch a new Javafx window (stage) after (and inside) my LWJGL/GLFW thread …

java multithreading javafx lwjgl
Camera Pitch/Yaw to Direction Vector

What I'm trying to do is cast a ray from my camera. I know the camera's x, y and z …

java lwjgl raytracing ray-picking
org.lwjgl.system.Library error

I set up LWJGL 3 in Eclipse, and it's giving me this error when I try to run the test code …

java lwjgl noclassdeffounderror
Libgdx not using Opengl ES 2.0

Preferably, I'd like to use OpenGL ES 2.0 for a new 3d game I started making. Anyway, I've been developing it …

opengl-es-2.0 lwjgl libgdx glx