Top "Lucene" questions

The term Lucene refers to the open source Java fulltext search engine library, but also to the entire eco-system that grew around it, including lucene.

Elasticsearch vs Cassandra vs Elasticsearch with Cassandra

I am learning NoSQL and looking at different options for one of my client's requirements. I have gone through various …

elasticsearch cassandra lucene
Choosing a stand-alone full-text search server: Sphinx or SOLR?

I'm looking for a stand-alone full-text search server with the following properties: Must operate as a stand-alone server that can …

mysql full-text-search lucene solr sphinx
How to create new core in Solr 5?

Currently we are using Apache Solr 4.10.3 OR Heliosearch Distribution for Solr [HDS]

solr lucene core
N-gram generation from a sentence

How to generate an n-gram of a string like: String Input="This is my car." I want to generate n-gram …

java lucene nlp n-gram
How to do query auto-completion/suggestions in Lucene?

I'm looking for a way to do query auto-completion/suggestions in Lucene. I've Googled around a bit and played around …

java autocomplete lucene
Which special characters need escaping in a solr query?

Update: I think this question has to do with solr syntax in general, and not Chef in particular. So while …

solr lucene chef-infra knife
What is the difference between Lucene and Elasticsearch

I know ElasticSearch is built upon Apache Lucene but I want to know the significant differences between the two.

elasticsearch lucene
Kibana query exact match

I would like to know how to query a field to exactly match a string. I'm actually trying to query …

regex lucene elasticsearch kibana
Is there a good indexing / search engine for Node.js?

I'm looking for a good open source (with LGPL or a permissive license) indexing engine for a node.js application, …

javascript node.js lucene indexing search-engine
How to get a Token from a Lucene TokenStream?

I'm trying to use Apache Lucene for tokenizing, and I am baffled at the process to obtain Tokens from a …

java attributes lucene token tokenize