The term Lucene refers to the open source Java fulltext search engine library, but also to the entire eco-system that grew around it, including lucene.
I'm reading that i can create mahout vectors from a lucene index that can be used to apply the mahout …
indexing lucene cluster-analysis k-means mahouti am using solr 1.4.1 for building a distributed search engine, but i dont want to use only one index file …
lucene solr distributed solrjI have a dataset of 200million+ records and am looking to build a dedicated backend to power a type ahead …
autocomplete lucene indexing typeaheadI havent used lucene. Last time i ask (many months ago, maybe a year) people suggested lucene. If i shouldnt …
c# .net lucene taggingAlthough the Lucene logic structure, I'm trying to make my nested fields to be highlighted when some search result is …
elasticsearch lucene nested nested-queryMy mapping of createdAt: "createdAt": { "type": "date" }, I insert the dates like this: POST logs/_doc/_bulk?pretty {"index":{"_id":1}} {"…
java elasticsearch lucene kibana elasticsearch-painlessI have a problem with Solr and Faceting and wondering if anyone knows of the fix. I have a work …
lucene solr facetI am calling solr search hosted on a different machine with a query. When I wrote a query, it returns …
solr lucene solrnet faceted-searchIn a SOLR install, when I search against a field with a multi-word search term I want SOLR to return …
solr lucene solrnetI want to calculate similarity between two documents indexed in elasticsearch. I know it can be done in lucene using …
search solr lucene elasticsearch mlt