Top "Lucene" questions

The term Lucene refers to the open source Java fulltext search engine library, but also to the entire eco-system that grew around it, including lucene.

Solr result grouping error .Unexpected docvalues type SORTED_SET for field 'vendor' (expected=SORTED)

I have a solr schema like this <fields> <field name="id" type="string" indexed="false" stored="true" …

indexing solr lucene solrcloud solr-query-syntax
Solr stopwords magic

My stopwords don't works as expected. Here is part of my schema: <fieldType name="text_general" class="solr.TextField"&…

search solr lucene solr4 stop-words
How to evaluate hosted full text search solutions?

What are the options when it comes to SaaS/hosted full text search? How should I evaluate the different options …

full-text-search lucene hosting solr sphinx
Searching over documents stored in Hadoop - which tool to use?

I'm lost in: Hadoop, Hbase, Lucene, Carrot2, Cloudera, Tika, ZooKeeper, Solr, Katta, Cascading, POI... When you read about the one …

solr hadoop lucene cloudera carrot2
Lucene.Net Best Practices

What are the best practices in using Lucene.Net? or where can I find a good usage sample?

.net indexing lucene full-text-indexing
Join hibernate search query with criteria query restriction

I'm wondering how you would join the following two queries together. A standard criteria query Criteria result1 = session.createCriteria(Store.…

hibernate lucene hibernate-search
Multi-field, multi-word, match without query_string

I would like to be able to match a multi word search against multiple fields where every word searched is …

search lucene elasticsearch tire
Implementing SOLR.Net and LUCENE.Net

We want to implement full document search in our project in .Net web project. For that we came across 2 names …

c# solr lucene solrnet
how to migrate mysql data to ElasticSearch realtime

I have a mysql database with couple tables, I wanna migrate the mysql data to ElasticSearch. It's easy to migrate …

mysql elasticsearch solr lucene search-engine
how to add custom stop words using lucene in java

I am using lucene to remove English Stop words but my requirement is remove English stop words and Custom stop …

java lucene stop-words