Top "Lubridate" questions

lubridate is an R package that makes it easier to work with dates and time objects.

Format Date to Year-Month in R

I would like to retain my current date column in year-month format as date. It currently gets converted to chr …

r lubridate
Increase number of axis ticks in ggplot2 for dates

I have some time series data to plot and I'd like more granular axis ticks. For example: library(lubridate) library(…

r ggplot2 lubridate
Length of lubridate interval

What's the best way to get the length of time represented by an interval in lubridate, in specified units? All …

r lubridate
R: how to filter a timestamp by hour and minute?

I am struggling with the following example time = c('2013-01-03 21:59:21.549', '2013-01-04 22:00:21.549', '2013-01-05 22:01:21.222…

r datetime dplyr lubridate
Find day of year with the lubridate package in R

I'm looking to find the day of year for a POSIXct class object with lubridate. For example, 12-9-2015 is …

r lubridate
How to get week number and year from date in R

I am trying to get both week number and year from a date object in R. Until then, I did …

r date lubridate iso8601 week-number
Floor a year to the decade in R

I would like to floor a set of dates to the nearest decade, e.g: 1922 --> 1920, 2099 --> 2090, etc. …

r date lubridate
Assigning Dates to Fiscal Year

I'm trying to come up with some code that will look at a date and then assign it to a …

r dplyr lubridate
R subtracting 1 month from today's date gives NA

I have a script in which I subset my data according to some set time periods and wanted to subset …

r date subtraction lubridate calculation
Convert dd/mm/yy and dd/mm/yyyy to Dates

I have some a character vector with dates in various formats like this dates <- c("23/11/12", "20/10/2012", "22/10/2012" ,"23/11/12") I want to …

regex r lubridate