I am struggling with the following example
time = c('2013-01-03 21:59:21.549', '2013-01-04 22:00:21.549', '2013-01-05 22:01:21.222', '2013-01-06 22:06:23.559' )
value = c(1,2,3,4)
data <- data_frame(time, value)
data <-data %>% mutate(time = ymd_hms(time))
> data
# A tibble: 4 × 2
time value
<dttm> <dbl>
1 2013-01-03 21:59:21 1
2 2013-01-04 22:00:21 2
3 2013-01-05 22:01:21 3
4 2013-01-06 22:06:23 4
How can I write a dplyr::filter
statement than only keeps observations between 21:59
and 22:01
(included) every day?
Playing separately with hour(time)
and minute(time)
does not seem to work very well here.
Am I missing something here?
Output expected: row 1,2 and 3 only. Thanks!
2019 is here!
Here is a better (and simpler) solution using as.hms
. The tz
argument is mandatory.
time_str = c('2013-01-03 21:59:21.549', '2013-01-04 22:00:21.549', '2013-01-05
22:01:21.222', '2013-01-06 22:06:23.559' )
value = c(1,2,3,4)
data <- tibble(time_str, value)
data %>% mutate(timestamp_utc = ymd_hms(time_str, tz = 'UTC'),
timestamp_est = with_tz(timestamp_utc, 'America/New_York'),
time_est = as.hms(timestamp_est, tz = 'America/New_York')) %>%
filter(time_est >= hms::as.hms('16:59:00', tz = 'America/New_York'),
time_est <= hms::as.hms('17:01:00', tz = 'America/New_York'))
will do the job
# A tibble: 2 x 5
time_str value timestamp_utc timestamp_est time_est
<chr> <dbl> <dttm> <dttm> <time>
1 2013-01-03 21:59:21.549 1 2013-01-03 21:59:21.549 2013-01-03 16:59:21.549 16:59.549
2 2013-01-04 22:00:21.549 2 2013-01-04 22:00:21.549 2013-01-04 17:00:21.549 17:00.549