Find day of year with the lubridate package in R

Joshua Rosenberg picture Joshua Rosenberg · Dec 9, 2015 · Viewed 9.7k times · Source

I'm looking to find the day of year for a POSIXct class object with lubridate. For example, 12-9-2015 is day 343.

It's easy to find the day of the week or month with lubridate:

> lubridate::wday("2015-12-09 04:27:56 EST", labels = T)
> lubridate::day("2015-12-09 04:27:56 EST")

Is there an easy way to do so for the day of the year? I've searched the documentation and other questions but have not (yet) found an answer.


blindjesse picture blindjesse · Dec 9, 2015

The correct function is yday, as in
