Top "Lowercase" questions

Lowercase characters are letters in minuscule: a, b, c, …

if/else statements accepting strings in both capital and lower-case letters in python

Is there a quick way for an "if" statement to accept a string regardless of whether it's lower-case, upper-case or …

python if-statement uppercase lowercase capitalize
Rails: How to downcase non-English string?

How could I downcase a non-English string in Ruby on Rails 3 ? str = "Привет" # Russian puts str[0].ord # => 1055 str.downcase! puts …

ruby-on-rails ruby string ruby-on-rails-3 lowercase
Check if string has letter in uppercase or lowercase

i would like to know if it's possible check if one letter of a string is capitalized. Other way to …

c++ string lowercase
Why should the first letter of a Java class be upper-cased?

Why should the first letter of a Java class be upper-cased? Is it not possible to run a program containing …

java naming-conventions uppercase lowercase
How do I detect if a character is uppercase or lowercase?

Let's say I extract a single character from a NSString like this: [@"This is my String" characterAtIndex:0] How do I …

objective-c detect uppercase lowercase
Why uppercase isn't usual in URL

I've visited many sites that most of them used lowercase in URLs like bing.…

url uppercase lowercase
How to transform selected text to lowercase in PHPStorm?

There is Ctrl + Shift + U shortcut, but it toggles characters case while I need to make all of selected characters …

keyboard-shortcuts phpstorm lowercase
How to convert all the lowercase letters to Uppercase letters in MIPS Assembly Language program

Excuse me, can someone help me on this? I need to convert all the lowercase letters such as this "Hello …

assembly mips uppercase lowercase mips32
How to check if a string is all lowercase and alphanumerics?

Is there a method that checks for these cases? Or do I need to parse each letter in the string, …

c++ string lowercase alphanumeric
Android sort sqlite query results ignoring case

just wondering if theres a way of sorting the results of a query ignoring case. Cause at the moment fields …

android sqlite sorting uppercase lowercase